2023-06-27 21:26:42 中国日报网


The rendering of the new cutting-edge scientific research and archaeological vessel. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Construction of China"s first deep sea multi-functional scientific research and archaeological vessel officially began in Guangzhou"s Nansha district on Sunday.



The vessel which is being built by Guangzhou Shipyard International Co Ltd (GSI), is a new multi-functional scientific research vessel that will be able to conduct deep-sea scientific research and cultural relic archaeology, and can carry out polar sea area investigations in summer, according to statement released by GSI on Sunday.


The new vessel has iconic functions, including unrestricted water navigation; manned deep diving; deep-sea exploration; comprehensive operation support; and heavy safety loads that can help ensure the necessary samples and environmental data for the research of cutting-edge scientific research related to deep sea geology, environment and life sciences.


"Meanwhile the vessel provides relevant discipline guidance and underwater operation support for deep-sea archaeology, and supporting the offshore testing and application of deep-sea core technology equipment," said the statement.


The vessel which reaches 103 meters long is designed to have a draft displacement of 9,200 metric tons, with the maximum speed of the vessel reaching 16 knots, equivalent to about 30 kilometers per hour. It can bidirectionally break ice from both the bow and stern.


The vessel which can accommodate more than 80 crew members on board is expected to be completed and delivered for offshore operations by 2025.



中国造船业 China"s shipbuilding sector

国产大型邮轮 domestically-built large cruise ship

自主创新 independent innovation

制造业创新中心 manufacturing innovation center

高质量发展 high-quality development

(来源:新华社 编辑:yaning)




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